
The Nijmegen Postgraduate Course in Ear Surgery

The Nijmegen Postgraduate Course in Ear Surgery was given in 1966 for the first time. Professor W.F.B. Brinkman, former chairman of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of this university, devised its formula, stimulated by members of the Cholesteatoma Club. The Cholesteatoma Club was an informal group of dedicated otologic surgeons with a common interest in the problems of ear disease. At that time courses in otologic surgery were very scarce and facilities for surgical demonstration by television were incomparable in quality with modern audiovisual equipment. Over the years several well-known and eminent otologic surgeons have been a member of the Nijmegen faculty, nearly all of them for many years. They are remembered with gratitude and admiration. Over the years faculty members have retired and have been replaced. The present faculty has been composed very carefully and ensures that the work is being carried on.

Lectures & televised surgery

The course has always been designed to be a basic course dealing with the problems otologic surgeons encounter in their daily practice. With lectures and televised surgery the clinical aspects are taught and exemplified. In the temporal bone lab the participants find their own way through the temporal bone, often in corners and from angles which he is not always used to. Also newer developments like bone anchored hearing aids, semi-implantable hearing aids and cochlear implants have become accepted and will be touched on during the course. Each year the course is adapted to changing views and suggestions brought in by participants and teaching staff.